
I am fricking exhausted.. and I got to move this weekend. I havent even had time to play FFXI or HL 2 or Doom 3 or Vampire or NFSU 2 or any of the other games I have gotten lately...

In lighter news.. I think I am loosing weight damn it. I am not eating but one meal a day ... correction a night. And this is usually at 2 am in the morning lololol.

In scarier news... I looked in the mirror this morning... o_O talk about scary.

In stupidier news... why the hell are you still reading this?

In Advertising news... if you live near Orlando FL and want some decent rims here I got this for sale...

$400.00 bucaroos....
Have your people call my people and will do dinner ;)
Or just email me @ maskra at hotmail dot com.

Just replace the at for @ and dot for . DUH =/.

Word of the Day...... Bored wanting to P A R T A Y...

1 comment:

J said...


It works!